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Judging Summary for Mr Tony Moran

UK Appointments since January 2000

Shih Tzu Club of Wales & West 2023 Date : 19th March 2023
Best of BreedCh. Virtulvilage Fred A Stare (UK, Ir)
Best of BreedCh. Marpalyn Phab Gold
Dog CCCh. Virtulvilage Fred A Stare (UK, Ir)
Dog RCCCh. Ta Maria All Eyz On Me (DK Fin Swed Norsk)
Bitch CCCh. Marpalyn Phab Gold
Bitch RCCCh. Middletune Flame Of Gold
Best PuppyYung Lo’s Dear Vicky
1st Best VeteranCh. Artelino Moomins Adventure
Firstly, I must thank the Club for this lovely invitation –it is always an honour for any non-specialist to be invited to do a club show. Thanks must also go to my excellent stewards. I was very impressed with the overall quality on the day – I was immersed in a sea of wonderful heads and excellent breed type and in so many classes I was splitting hairs between the winners. Both Open classes were a joy to judge and it was also refreshing to see so much quality coming through in the younger classes. The breed details that I hold dear, the beautiful head with the gorgeous large round dark eye. the warm, oriental expression, width the whole way through from chin to hips, the long, low outline with strong bone & substance, the high tail set and carriage and the haughty, smooth moving silhouette that should set this breed apart for all others, was available to me in abundance. I had a wonderful day and special thanks to all the exhibitors.
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Scottish KC (All Breeds) 2019 Date : 19th May 2019
Best of BreedTa Maria Black Edition at Matsuba (Fin Imp)
Dog CCTa Maria Black Edition at Matsuba (Fin Imp)
Dog RCCCh. Miracey Rebel Rider (UK, Ir)
Bitch CCCh. Miracey Fruitylicious at Virtulvilage (Ir)
Bitch RCCCh. Shorestar Hocus Pocus JW
Best PuppyIsishouse Miss Goodnight
1st Best VeteranCh. Miracey Fruity Kisses
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Joint Shih Tzu Clubs 2015 Date : 22nd November 2015
Best of BreedMatsuba Infinity and Beyond With Rygar
Dog CCMatsuba Infinity and Beyond With Rygar
Dog RCCCh. Zamadar Majic Potion for Cedarhythe
Bitch CCCh. Miracey Disco Inferno
Bitch RCCPopeye’s Creme De La Creme (JW) (Imp Swe)
Best PuppyMatsonic Gotta Have Faith at Ethelsmead
Firstly, I would like to thank the Manchu committee for this invitation, their hospitality and generosity. Also thanks to my very efficient stewards and the exhibitors for a wonderful quality entry and creating a lovely atmosphere. I totally enjoyed my day amongst one of my favourite breeds. When judging this breed I always try to stay true to the vital characteristic that sets this breed apart for any other and I am happy to say that I was very pleased to find that these characteristics in abundance. I would encourage breeders to try to improve rear angulation as I found quite a few who were very straight in stifle.
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STC Spring Open Show 2012 Date : 8th April 2012
Best of BreedLauramist Double Trouble
Best of BreedEthelsmead Erin Brockovich
Best PuppyCh. Bellwaycharm Time Zone for Tilbe JW ShCM VW
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