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Judging Summary for Mrs Jenny Quick

UK Appointments since January 2000

Welsh KC 2024 Date : 15th August 2024
Best of BreedCh. Coursani Sand Queen
Dog CCCh. Rossvale Wildest Dream JW
Dog RCCSantosha Black Frost At Hajenza
Bitch CCCh. Coursani Sand Queen
Bitch RCCCh. Bishbow Summer Breeze
Best PuppySantosha Black Frost At Hajenza
1st Best VeteranCh. Bishbow Summer Breeze
My thanks must go to the committee of The Welsh Kennel Club for this appointment. This is a show I have supported for many years. My thanks also go to my stewards Mr & Mrs Hitt who kept the ring running smoothly. Finally, thanks to the Exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over their lovely Shih Tzu. My observation and concerns from the day. Movement in some dogs had a lack of drive and narrow rears were also seen. Narrow mouths and jumbled teeth were also observed in some exhibits. In a few exhibits, coat presentation was very poor. However, I was pleased with all my placings and it was good to see our young puppies coming through, who will have a lot to offer to the future of our breed.
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Shih Tzu Club of Wales & West 2022 Date : 30th May 2022
Best of BreedCh. Warathwaite Royal Diva
Best of BreedCh. Santosha Daybreak
Dog CCCh. Santosha Daybreak
Dog RCCCh. Warathwaite The Kingslayer (Bel,Lux, UK)
Bitch CCCh. Warathwaite Royal Diva
Bitch RCCCh. Marhilway Explorer The Edge
Best PuppyCh. Santosha Memory of Love
1st Best VeteranCh. Taydale Dancin In The Stars with Cedarhythe
Many thanks to the Club and my Stewards for all their hard work and also to all the exhibitors for a quality entry and for staying for their second show of the day. I know how much work went into this and it is much appreciated. We are a head breed but that said, the head also has to go with a well constructed body that can cover any terrain with ease. Having said that I was very pleased with all of my placings on the day.
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Northern Counties Shih Tzu Club 2019 Date : 6th April 2019
Best of BreedCh. Thaisu She Rocks
Best of BreedCh. Chanikos Living The Dream At Ethelsmead
Dog CCCh. Chanikos Living The Dream At Ethelsmead
Dog RCCCh. Carlita Reason To Dream JW ShCM
Bitch CCCh. Thaisu She Rocks
Bitch RCCCh. Tameron Miss Black Opium
Best PuppyDaltricia Nanga Parbat JW
1st Best VeteranCh. Thaisu She Rocks
To be asked to judge this club show was a real honour, my appreciation goes to the committee for such a well-run show and the exhibitors for such a lovely entry. My concerns were fronts, narrow chests where I found it hard to put my hand underneath, legs short in upper arm and some elbows out, this made it so difficult for the dogs to reach well forward on the move. Mouths need more attention with the lack of padding round the muzzle altering the expression of the dog. Tongues hanging out and dogs unable to close their lips, not a good look for this gorgeous breed. All that said, I was extremely pleased by my winners and some lovely exhibits left the ring in the larger classes.
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STC Summer Open Show 2015 Date : 18th July 2015
Best of BreedCh. Chodeas Eastern Star JW
Best of BreedCh. Ethelsmead Catch A Dream for Laurmerand
Best PuppyPaliden Shine Like A Star
1st Best VeteranCh. Valesca Tsin Fatinat Al Sjark At Shirkeira (ImpNDL (Landessiegerin Baden-Wrttemberg 2011, Landessiegerin Bayern 2012 German Champion VDH German Champ)
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