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Full Critique for Three Counties 2024

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Judge : Mrs Jane Paradise
This critique reflects the judge's opinion
based on what they saw on the day of the show.

The first impression when you look at a Shih Tzu should be that of recognising the breed through its outline. I found it disappointing to encounter so many flat tails or flag pole tails rather than a teapot tail which balances with the head height. More than I would like were upright in shoulders & quite a few had small eyes. Grooming and presentation are second to none in this breed and a credit to all exhibitors. Thanks to my steward for her jovial company and organisational skills. Would exhibitors please note that it is your own responsibility to keep track of your classes and not for the steward to have to go search you out.

Minor Puppy Dog
1stUnstoppable Alpiu Slenis To Jaxtzu (IMPLTU)JWGold/white parti in lovely puppy coat, liked his head with short muzzle, open nostrils & slightly undershot bite. Well boned forelegs, holds a level topline & ribs have good spring. He goes well on the move though would prefer to see his tail coming over his back.
2ndCharonnis Its Now Or NeverSolid gold lad moderate angulation at both ends, moves around the ring showing full pad. Mouth is rather undershot and seeing the lower teeth detracts from the overall expression. His tail is held over his back but rather flat.

Puppy Dog
1stMatsonic Midnight Storm Over BishbowMost attractive black, full of bounce but under control. Tail is high set & held well at all times. Most attractive headpiece of correct proportions. Elbows held close to body, body length slightly longer than height & sturdy all through. Beautiful dark eyes, coat coming in well. Enjoyed watching him prance around the ring full of himself. BPD.
2ndUnstoppable Alpiu Slenis To Jaxtzu (IMPLTU)JWGold/white parti in lovely puppy coat, liked his head with short muzzle, open nostrils & slightly undershot bite. Well boned forelegs, holds a level topline & ribs have good spring. He goes well on the move though would prefer to see his tail coming over his back.

Junior Dog
1stHoneyshuchun Soldier Boy At BornredSubstantial solid gold boy, well boned, masculine all through. Pleasing head, clean eyes, good nostrils on large nose leather. Moved with reach and drive, holding tail over back, though a little flat. Ex body & really well muscled rear end.

Novice Dog
1stUnstoppable Alpiu Slenis To Jaxtzu (IMPLTU)JWGold/white parti in lovely puppy coat, liked his head with short muzzle, open nostrils & slightly undershot bite. Well boned forelegs, holds a level topline & ribs have good spring. He goes well on the move though would prefer to see his tail coming over his back.

Post Graduate Dog
1stPeekin Reggie Rebel-TuGold/white parti – the best balanced in the class for proportions & head/tail balance. Nicely arched neck & level topline. Would like to see him carrying more weight. The dog has promise & with attending ringcraft classes the handler could reap more rewards. Moves steadily.
2ndRossvale Fantastic Dream At Charonnis JWSolid gold sturdy, chunky, dog carrying a good coat. Rather undershot bite. High set tail carried in teapot and balancing with head height. Moved with purpose.

Limit Dog
1stDaltricia Jack Higgins JWLoved his broad skull, chrysanthemum head, short square muzzle & gorgeous eyes set well apart. Ex tail set & carriage. Keeps a level back standing & moving. Just felt today that he was carrying a little excess weight which affected his movement.
2ndPeekin Jazz-A-Matazz-TuWould prefer more body on this one which is rather narrow all through & finely boned. That said, he had good body/height proportions & fabulous deportment on the move once he settled into himself.

Open Dog
1stCh. Warathwaite The Kingslayer (Bel,Lux, UK)This male took my eye as soon as he entered the ring. Rich red/white parti in mature coat. Fabulous head & typical expression, teeth set straight in a wide jaw with level lips. Well laid shoulders, ex body, short coupled, ex turn of stifle. All lines flow easily into one another. Proud head carriage. He floats around the ring with great presence & style. Would not change anything about his conformation, movement, or character. CC & BOB.
2ndCh. Mifcahs The King And I JW (Dk,Nor,Swe,No,Int)I have followed this gold/white dog’s career, expected to be duly impressed with him and he certainly lives up to his reputation & is a worthy champion. Lovely balanced outline. He moves with animation & clearly knows that he commands your attention. Just preferred the 1st today so he had to settle for RCC.

Minor Puppy Bitch
1stKalawoo Charlie ChellandaSolid gold lass, full of style both standing & moving. Ex proportions of head & body, this happy tail wagging pup pulled out all the stops. Ex layback of shoulder & return of upper arm, so well made all through. Should have a very future. BPB & BPIB.
2ndJadetemple Jaci Higgins At Daltricia JWLiked the size & femininity, this Parti pup is full of confidence & knows the score, as always well trained by this handler. Moves well in all directions. Had a better front than a lot of the males today & topline to match.

Puppy Bitch
1stMarhilway Bees Got The Edge10 month old happy gold/white parti. Nicely made all over, coat coming along, has an ex slightly undershot bite set in a wide jaw, ex pigment, pretty head. Front assembly complements rear angulation. Moved out well over the undulating grass.

Junior Bitch
1stMinfaa Flash DancerRich red/white parti of quality balanced outline with ex slight undershot bite with straight teeth in a wide muzzle/jaw. Her eyes are a little light in colour which detracts from an otherwise good expression. Head & tail in perfect balance & she moves so well with reach & drive showing Full Pads.
2ndSassyshi Cake By The Ocean With Shirkeira JWA most sound and honest girl to go over structurally. Well made front & rear assemblies. Not as finished in coat or body as 1st but lots to like.

Novice Bitch
1stMarhilway Bees Got The Edge10 month old happy gold/white parti. Nicely made all over, coat coming along, has an ex slightly undershot bite set in a wide jaw, ex pigment, pretty head. Front assembly complements rear angulation. Moved out well over the undulating grass.

Post Graduate Bitch
1stCavateena Situla Scarlet for LavrilSuch a sound girl. Large sparkling eyes set wide apart, nose set with bottom of eye rims level with top of nose, ex bite & good width of jaw, tight lips. Elbows held tight to body ex layback of shoulders. Firm topline with long ribcage & short loins. Moves straight & true with purpose with head & tail held proudly. RCC.
2ndDaltricia Jane Austen JWEverything on this girl is in good order with nothing overdone & she holds a quality outline. Ex neck, pretty head & dark eyes. Close up to 1st.

Limit Bitch
1stCh. Marhilway Explorer The EdgeGold white parti. Loved her size, shape & balance. Super front assembly, level back, head & tail balance & she oozes breed type. Pretty head, ex bite, such sound movement in profile, going away and coming back. Apparently, this makes her up to Champion. Congratulations. CC & BOS.
2ndCh. Coursani Sand QueenWell handled to get the best out of her, well constructed & of good substance & she moves out well with animation. Just preferred the topline of 1st today.

Open Bitch
1stIsishouse Miss Moneypenny For Chellanda5 years old, mature finished girl. Pleasant head & expression, large dark eyes & well pigmented eye rims. Ex mouth. Well balanced silhouette. An honest girl moving out showing full pad.
2ndSenousi Caress In A DressLarge wide skull, good forelegs, well off for bone but feminine, soundly constructed front & rear, moving soundly constantly wagging her tail.