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Full Critique for Shih Tzu Club of Wales & West 2023

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Judge : Mr Tony Moran
This critique reflects the judge's opinion
based on what they saw on the day of the show.

Firstly, I must thank the Club for this lovely invitation –it is always an honour for any non-specialist to be invited to do a club show. Thanks must also go to my excellent stewards. I was very impressed with the overall quality on the day – I was immersed in a sea of wonderful heads and excellent breed type and in so many classes I was splitting hairs between the winners. Both Open classes were a joy to judge and it was also refreshing to see so much quality coming through in the younger classes. The breed details that I hold dear, the beautiful head with the gorgeous large round dark eye. the warm, oriental expression, width the whole way through from chin to hips, the long, low outline with strong bone & substance, the high tail set and carriage and the haughty, smooth moving silhouette that should set this breed apart for all others, was available to me in abundance. I had a wonderful day and special thanks to all the exhibitors.

Minor Puppy Dog
1stMiddletune Blazzin Saddles JWSolid gold of just 6 months with an excellent head, lovely dark eye, good broad chin and excellent pigmentation. Solid bone with excellent front assembly. Excellent low carriage. Correct tail set & carriage. Good top-line. Lovely temperament. Moved well. Excellent coat. Best Puppy Dog RBPIS and Best Minor Puppy in Show
2ndKeola Driving Force JWLovely head with excellent eye shape and size. Excellent top-line and tail set. Lovely temperament. Excellent front assembly and moved well until the final go around when he seemed to be getting a little tired.

Puppy Dog
1stMiddletune Blazzin Saddles JWSolid gold of just 6 months with an excellent head, lovely dark eye, good broad chin and excellent pigmentation. Solid bone with excellent front assembly. Excellent low carriage. Correct tail set & carriage. Good top-line. Lovely temperament. Moved well. Excellent coat. Best Puppy Dog RBPIS and Best Minor Puppy in Show
2ndEthelsmead True GritGold and white with a lovely head, excellent eye shape and good open nostrils. Well placed nose. Typical out-line with excellent bone. Excellent tail set and carriage. Moved well when he got going. Excellent coat condition. Lovely temperament.

Junior Dog
1stHin Chen’s Hocus PocusRed & White with a lovely face-on expression, excellent eye, strong pigmentation and good width to chin. Lovely balance for size. Excellent bone but needs a little more weight. Excellent tail set and carriage. Moved well with goo rear drive. Excellent coat texture.
2ndRossvale Fantastic Dream At Charonnis JWSolid gold with a very nice, excellent eye shape, correct nose placement and good width to chin. Well balanced with good bone. Needs to strengthen in rear. Excellent coat.

Yearling Dog
1stHin Chen’s GenesioGold and white with an excellent head, well-shaped eye of correct size. Good open nostrils. Well-shaped skull. Excellent bone. Outline could be slightly longer but excellent top-line and tail-set. Excellent tail carriage. Moved well with a very positive attitude. Lovely temperament. Excellent coat texture.

Post Graduate Dog
1stJadoremy Red Bounty ForeverRed & white with a good broad skull, well-shaped eye, excellent open nostrils and well placed nose. Good width to the underjaw. Good mouth. A little up on leg for me but excellent bone and good front assembly. Super tail-set and carriage. Good coat texture. Positive, energetic mover with excellent temperament.

Limit Dog
1stMiracey Sand Warrior For TilbeRed with white with an excellent broad skull, well placed nose, good width in underjaw. Good pigmentation. Solidly built with width throughout. Excellent bone and substance. Up to size for me but very well proportioned. Good length of rib. Super tail-set and carriage. Typey mover with a correct outline. Excellent coat condition.
2ndMatsha JambalayaParti-colour with a very appealing head, excellent eye and nose placement, excellent chin. Balanced for size with the correct amount of bone. Excellent tail-set and good rear drive. Excellent temperament.

Open Dog
1stCh. Virtulvilage Fred A Stare (UK, Ir)This white and gold dogs ticks so many boxes for me. He has a handsome masculine head with the most beautiful dark eye, well placed nose and good open nostrils and tilt, with good width in chin and well-shaped skull, all combining to give a very typical head and expression. This quality continued in to his body, strong neck, excellent shoulders, firm top-line, and good length of rib. Excellent bone and substance. He moves well, with a very clean and effortless action, with excellent rear drive. And he is close to ideal size, but still giving a masculine impression without any hint of coarseness. He is in wonderful overall condition with good muscle tone and pristine coat. Happy, extrovert temperament, I had great pleasure in awarding him the DCC and later BIS.
2ndCh. Ta Maria All Eyz On Me (DK Fin Swed Norsk)Another quality male from the “top drawer” – gold with a truly beautiful head with typical expression. Excellent skull shape with correct width, lovely dark, well-shaped eye, perfect nose placement and chin. Loved his size and typical breed balance. Would prefer a slightly stronger neck, but firm top-line and tail set. Good rear drive and positive mover. Excellent coat texture and condition. Positive mover with lovely temperament. RES CC

Veteran Dog
1stCh. Artelino Moomins AdventureRed & white with an excellent head, broad skull, well-shaped eyes, excellent open nostrils with good width to chin. Loved his size and balance. Excellent bone, excellent front, good length of rib and excellent tail set and carriage. Correct proportions, giving a long and low outline. Moved well. BVIS
2ndJadoremy Thunder Bolt Zuse Sh CM VWLovely condition for age. Excellent eye and skull, good nose placement. Excellent bone and substance. Very nice coat texture. Positive mover but could be a little stronger in rear. Excellent tail set. Lovely temperament.

Minor Puppy Bitch
1stEthelsmead Summer DreamsBlack & white with a lovely feminine head, excellent well-shaped eyes and good nose placement. Good width of chin. Typical balance with good neck and top-line, excellent tail-set. Good bone for age. Once settles, moves well. Lovely temperament.
2ndMiddletune Modesty Blaise JWGold with a lovely head and expression, well-shaped eye and correct nose placement. Good pigmentation, good mouth and chin. Good long outline and good bone. Moved well. Lovely temperament and very positive attitude.

Puppy Bitch
1stYung Lo’s Dear VickyGold & white with a lovely head, excellent eye, broad skull, good dark pigmentation, excellent bone and good width throughout. Moves well with excellent tail-set. Excellent temperament. BPIS
2ndLyndatzu Truly ScrumptiousGold & white with a lovely head, excellent pigmentation, lovely eye and nose placement. Very good size. Once settled, moved well. Good tail set and carriage.
ResMiddletune Modesty Blaise JWGold with a lovely head and expression, well-shaped eye and correct nose placement. Good pigmentation, good mouth and chin. Good long outline and good bone. Moved well. Lovely temperament and very positive attitude.

Junior Bitch
1stEastfane’s Garam Masala HelGold & white with a lovely head and expression, excellent large round dark eye, excellent nose placement and chin. Lovely, typical outline with excellent bone but needs a little more substance, which will come with time. High tail-set and carriage. Excellent coat condition. Typical mover but would prefer a little more rear drive.
2ndMykabel Mistletoe And WineGold with a lovely head and typical expression. Excellent pigmentation. Would prefer a slightly stronger neck but excellent top-line and tail set. Good bone but needs a little more body. Excellent coat condition.

Yearling Bitch
1stQuingshui Aurora One Moment with MatshaParti-colour with a well-appointed head, good dark well-shaped eye, and excellent pigmentation. Good neck and top line, excellent tail-set and carriage. Good bone. Just needs a little more body to complete the picture. Excellent coat texture. Moves well when settles. Excellent temperament.
2ndChanikos Time To DreamGood head and expression, excellent nose and eye placement with strong pigmentation. Good wide chin. A little tall but excellent bone. Excellent tail-set and carriage. Changing coat and excellent temperament.

Post Graduate Bitch
1stMapimakastar Bunny Hop TizbuntzuGood head with excellent eye, broad skull and excellent nose placement. Excellent pigmentation. Good chin. Good solid body with good bone and substance. Well carried tail. Would prefer a little lower on leg. Moves well. Excellent coat texture.

Limit Bitch
1stCh. Middletune Flame Of GoldRed gold with a lovely head and typical expression, well-shaped skull, excellent eye and the strongest pigmentation. She is very well balanced for size with firm top-line and excellent tail set and carriage. Good length in the body and excellent bone and substance. Moved well, holding her shape. Super coat condition and the most endearing temperament. Res BCC
2ndTa Maria Wake Me For ChampagneGold with a typical head, lovely eye, excellent nose placement and strong pigmentation. Excellent chin. Good bone and substance, would prefer a little longer in body. Moves well when she decided to co-operate.

Open Bitch
1stCh. Marpalyn Phab GoldThis lovely solid gold bitch has breed-type in abundance. Such a pleasing head with splendid dark, well-shaped eyes, well placed nose and excellent width of chin. In this very strong class, she immediately caught my eye for her superb size and balance – she is so correct for size, giving a feminine outline but has the bone and substance so essential to this breed. Excellent length in rib and super tail set and carriage. However, it was her movement that won her this class and later the CC… she holds a typical shape at all times and simply flowed on the move, proving that a breed that is low on leg and wide throughout, can not only drive but also reach in front and do so with a smooth and typical action. In lovely coat of correct texture. She holds herself with great dignity and has a very typical temperament. BCC & RES BIS
2ndCh. Yung Lo’s Success In A Dress (Swe, Dk, Nor)Lovely laid out head with excellent eye & dark pigmentation. Well-shaped skull, good width through the body. Excellent bone. Low. Positive mover but would prefer a little more reach in front. Excellent tail set and lovely coat.

Veteran Bitch
1stCh. Hin Chen’s Aertan’s Princess (No,Se, Fin)Lovely typical head and expression with excellent eye & nose placement. Excellent chin and skull. A little tall for me but excellent bone, good fore-chest, excellent tail set and carriage. In excellent coat. Moved well.
2ndUkajali Tsin Fatinat Al Sjark At Shirkeira (ImpNdlGood head with and excellent skull & good eye shape. Lovely size and balance. Excellent bone and substance. Excellent tail set and carriage. In good coat. Moved well – loved her bursts of speed. Showy, outgoing temperament.