Full Critique for Shih Tzu Club of Scotland 2024
Judge : Mrs Louise Farnworth
This critique reflects the judge's opinion
based on what they saw on the day of the show.
Thank you to The Shih Tzu Club of Scotland for the invitation to judge this show. Thank you to all the exhibitors who made the journey. I was very pleased with the overall quality of the dogs that were entered. In the higher classes decisions were very close. Thank you for moving your dog’s repeatedly for me. I love to see good movement in our breed, with so many good exhibits, movement was the divider in the top positioning of classes. It was a very cold, wet, grey day and by the end of the day Philip and I were frozen. A big thank you to Philip Martin for being a great steward. |
Minor Puppy Dog | ||
1st | Shidizzle Murrays Mint | Six month old, gold and white puppy. Correct proportions, low to ground, good length and depth in the ribcage. Loin correct. Topline level and tail carried well. Broad skull, dark eye, correct nose leather and placement Wide jaw with correct dentition. He needs to settle on the move, hopefully this will come with maturity, still very much a baby. |
Puppy Dog | ||
1st | Shidizzle Murrays Mint | Six month old, gold and white puppy. Correct proportions, low to ground, good length and depth in the ribcage. Loin correct. Topline level and tail carried well. Broad skull, dark eye, correct nose leather and placement Wide jaw with correct dentition. He needs to settle on the move, hopefully this will come with maturity, still very much a baby. |
2nd | Kalawoo Maverick From Isishouse | Ten month old, gold and white. Excellent presentation. Larger in proportion, a little taller in leg, and longer in the loin. Good dome to the skull, eyes dark, nose placement correct, dentition correct. Moved with confidence. |
Junior Dog | ||
2nd | Yazhi The One | Fourteen month gold and white. Larger and heavier in type. Good amount of bone throughout. The head is large and broad. It was difficult to assess the expression as the eyes were covered by hair. Good level topline, moved out well, showing rear drive. |
Novice Dog | ||
1st | Shidizzle Murrays Mint | Six month old, gold and white puppy. Correct proportions, low to ground, good length and depth in the ribcage. Loin correct. Topline level and tail carried well. Broad skull, dark eye, correct nose leather and placement Wide jaw with correct dentition. He needs to settle on the move, hopefully this will come with maturity, still very much a baby. |
Yearling Dog | ||
1st | Thaisu Morningstar Avec Kimevan JW | Solid gold with black mask. Beautiful head domed, broad large round dark eye, black nose leather, slight tilt, set in a wide muzzle, with good jaw width, correct dentition. Head carried on a strong arched neck. Rib cage let down deeply between the two front legs. Barrel rib cage, short loin. Level topline and good tail carriage. Low to ground. Correct proportions. |
2nd | Middletune Blazzin Saddles JW | Gold and white. Slightly taller on the leg than 1. Expression less oriental than 1. But does possess many similar attributes. |
Post Graduate Dog | ||
1st | Rossvale Wildest Dream JW | Two year old solid gold. Excellent type. Excellent head, large well proportioned, domed wide skull, ears large and heavy. Round dark eyes. Large nose leather in a wide and correct muzzle. Strong neck to carry the large head. Well let down barrel ribcage. Correct amount of loin. Level topline, carried tail well. Maintained outline on the move Moved well. RDCC. |
Limit Dog | ||
1st | Shihmali Solar Flare | Excellent type, again. Solid gold. Large head, dark eyes, beautiful Expression. Solid neck carried the head with arrogance. Good substantial ribcage, laid back shoulder. Strong loin. Well angulated rear construction. This all came together to produce a strong movement with plenty of rear drive, showing full pad. He held his outline on the move showing his beautiful topline and tail carriage. |
2nd | Marhilway Driving Edge At Jacquinta JW | Dark gold and white, different type from 1, taller on the leg but, all was in proportion with that. Unfortunately, he did not show himself at his best on the day, reluctant on the move. |
Open Dog | ||
1st | Santosha Dark Secret With Coursani | Solid black. On the day it was this dogs movement that made him my CC winner. He looked amazing when in full flow. All I could think of was “the galleon in full sail”. His outline on the move was perfect. Large head carried well, balancing a teapot handle tail. Level topline. Reaching out to the front and driving powerfully from the rear with that flick of trouser leg and full pads showing. On the table, when you can see the expression up close, the proportions of his expression are excellent, his dark eyes were pools, all shown to their best in his large skull. Strong neck. Laid back shoulders. Deep rib cage. Powerful rear angulation. DCC BOS RBIS. |
2nd | Ch. Santosha Memory of Love | Beautiful solid gold, with all the qualities of 1. On the day he was less animated on the move. |
Minor Puppy Bitch | ||
1st | Shidizzle Bryamzy Sue at Maskeen | Six month old, gold and white little girl. Very feminine expression. Good size head, correct dome and ear placement. Good dark eyes. Wide muzzle and jaw. Correct dentition. Good amount of neck. Substantial ribcage. Good topline and tail set. Moved with confidence. Enjoyed her ring experience. BPIS. |
2nd | Honeyshuchun Dark Goddess | Seven month old black and white bitch. Similar in proportion and build to1.Low to the ground. She was a handful and is going to keep her handler on her toes. |
Puppy Bitch | ||
1st | Shidizzle Bryamzy Sue at Maskeen | Six month old, gold and white little girl. Very feminine expression. Good size head, correct dome and ear placement. Good dark eyes. Wide muzzle and jaw. Correct dentition. Good amount of neck. Substantial ribcage. Good topline and tail set. Moved with confidence. Enjoyed her ring experience. BPIS. |
2nd | Kalawoo Phoenix From Isishouse | Nine month old Black and white girl. Well presented. Moved with confidence, showing drive from the rear. |
Junior Bitch | ||
1st | Santosha Black Charm At Jacquinta | Thirteen month old Black bitch. Fabulous movement, reach at the front and driving from the rear. Balanced on the move. |
2nd | Yazhi Dancing Queen | 13 month old, gold and white. Pleasing feminine expression, I would prefer a wider jaw, this is fault can be carried through but not in this case. Ample rib cage, bone and substance. Topline good, tail needs more lift. |
Yearling Bitch | ||
1st | Thaisu Fallen Angel Among Kimevan | Twenty one month old, gold and white. Presented beautifully. She stood alone in the class, but was a very worthy class winner. Good sized head, all proportions excellent, feminine expression. Large round very dark eyes. Head carried well, good ribcage, well let down. Level topline. Carried her teapot handle tail well, balancing her head carriage. |
Post Graduate Bitch | ||
1st | Rossvale Dreaming Again | Solid gold. Smaller in type, but she still has everything needed in abundance. Beautiful presentation. Good sized head, head proportions excellent, giving her an oriental, feminine expression. Barrelled ribcage. Topline, tail carriage and balance gave an excellent outline on the move. Movement true Shih Tzu. |
2nd | Honeyshuchun Sand Goddess | Gold and White, Another well presented bitch. Similar to 1. In many ways. Appeared a little longer in the back. Moved well. |
Limit Bitch | ||
1st | Senousi Love The Dress | Gold and white. Beautifully correct head. Feminine expression. Eyes very dark and well set in the large skull, slight tilt on the nose, good wide muzzle and jaw. Head carried well by a strong neck. Laid back shoulder on a good barrelled ribcage. Excellent topline and tail carriage. She moved around the ring with purpose holding her outline, showing excellent drive. RBCC. |
2nd | Cavateena Situla Scarlet for Lavril | Gold and white, showing good type, though a touch smaller. Her movement on that day could have been stronger, she did show the reach and drive of 1. |
Open Bitch | ||
1st | Ch. Coursani Sand Queen | This class had so many good examples of the breed it was a pleasure to see them lineup in one class. Gold and white. In wonderful form. A very strong bitch in so many ways. Size and proportions Excellent. Beautiful large skull. Large eyes, large nose leather, slight tilt, good nostrils. Feminine expression, Excellent jaw and dentition. Front legs straight, ample boned, encasing the barrelled ribcage and leading up to a well laid-back shoulder. Tail carried high over a level topline. Well angulated and muscled rear end, providing the powerhouse for the rear driven movement, matched by the reaching out at the front. Yet again it was the movement that tipped the final choice in the class. Arrogance exuded. Presentation immaculate. BCC BOB. |
2nd | Ch. Rossvale’s Finnish Model | Gold and white, and a beautiful quality bitch. Construction and size very similar to the class. Excelled in feminine expression and skull proportions. Presented to perfection. Held her correct outline on the move. Moved out well, with confidence and great drive. More than deserving of her title. |