Full Critique for Bath 2021
Judge : Mrs Jane Paradise
This critique reflects the judge's opinion
based on what they saw on the day of the show.
Thank you to the exhibitors who entered and to the show committee for their hard work. To my trusty steward, Jim Murdoch, – thank you for being there and keeping the ring, and me, in order. As quoted by Audrey Dadds: “Type is the sum of those points that makes a dog look like his own breed.�? In the Shih Tzu I am searching to find the correct outline with the tea-pot tail complimenting the head in balance, a sturdy dog with a broad and deep chest, good width to a strong underjaw and the chrysanthemum head. More exhibits are creeping in that, although immaculately presented and shown, more closely resemble the Lhasa Apso in balance, rib shape and tail carriage and these were placed accordingly for lacking in typical breed type. Please move your Shih Tzus at a correct speed for the breed. They are not in a race and running them too fast does nothing to show off good movement. By running young puppies at speed you will ruin the formation of their limbs for the future. |
Minor Puppy Dog | ||
1st | Mifcahs The Young Pretender | An aptly named, really exciting youngster. First impressions are of a correctly sized, well balanced and happy dog and as you approach him you are taken in by the stunning eyes in his chrysanthemum effect head. Well boned forelegs. He has an excellent prosternum, well ribbed up, and a level topline. Can’t wait to see him as an adult fulfilling my expectations of him. BPD and so unlucky to come up against the BPB today. |
2nd | Helios Sweet Addict | Nice head and excellent dark pigment. Good length to height ratio. Nice prospect if the handler observes others and watches what to do. Moved well in the triangle pattern. |
Puppy Dog | ||
1st | Ch. Virtulvilage Fred A Stare (UK, Ir) | Large teeth in excellent reverse scissor bite with excellent width to jaw. Large eyes and black pigment. Well off for bone. Level topline. Dense coat of good texture. Moved nicely with animation. |
2nd | Ch. Cremefern Trigger A Storm At Symaraju JW | Finer built than first but with enough substance and displaying excellent proportions. Well laid shoulders and corresponding rear angulation. Moved well. |
Junior Dog | ||
1st | Baccibo Truly Madley Deeply | A red boy with so many individual features to admire when getting hands on – his excellent bite in wide jaw, excellent width to nostrils, depth and breadth of chest. Eyes set wide apart. Tail balancing with head. Moved with purpose. Best Sp Beg. |
Beginners Dog | ||
1st | Baccibo Truly Madley Deeply | A red boy with so many individual features to admire when getting hands on – his excellent bite in wide jaw, excellent width to nostrils, depth and breadth of chest. Eyes set wide apart. Tail balancing with head. Moved with purpose. Best Sp Beg. |
Novice Dog | ||
2nd | Gladmin Soweto Star Over Mattiana | Fabulous bite in masculine head, neck slightly arched, low slung chest, level topline. Good forechest. Would prefer longer ribbing and shorter in loin. Moved ok. |
Yearling Dog | ||
1st | Gladmin Soweto Star Over Mattiana | Fabulous bite in masculine head, neck slightly arched, low slung chest, level topline. Good forechest. Would prefer longer ribbing and shorter in loin. Moved ok. |
Post Graduate Dog | ||
1st | Shanitaus Obsession | A quality boy with excellent eye shape, skull width, excellent bite and chrysanthemum shock. Excellent bone and shoulder placement. Low slung chest, excellent prosternum, well ribbed back with level topline. Tail height balances with head for correct balance which he holds on the move. |
2nd | Jadoremy Red Bounty Forever | Not the body of first as narrower all through but liked his width of skull and jaw, straightness of forelegs and level topline. Shows a clean pair of heels on the move. |
Limit Dog | ||
1st | Ch. Mifcahs The King And I JW (Dk,Nor,Swe,No,Int) | Would like a slightly wider jaw but everything else is top quality. Loved his excellent forechest, well laid shoulders, low slung body, strong neck, fabulous ribs well sprung with short loin. Tail set and carriage give the correct balance. So smart on the move holding a great outline. |
2nd | Ch. Minfaa Sundance Kid | Another of correct size and carrying a quality jacket. Well bodied with well sprung ribs and good shoulder placement and rear angulation. Just not as fluid in movement today as first today. |
Open Dog | ||
1st | Ch. Daltricia Jamie Lee JW ShCEx OSW | One I have seen from a youngster. Stunning masculine black/white parti who demands your attention when he stands and looks you in the eye. No exaggerations. From his perfect size to his typical outline he is my ideal. Fabulous head and expression. All breed requisites are found with hands on inspection. On the move he has both reach and drive and goes at the correct pace, holding his topline at all times. Immaculately presented and handled with care and expertise. DCC & BOB. |
2nd | Ch. Debeaux Having A Ball | He has many of the attributes of first. Loved his size and balance, forechest and ribs and well coupled body. In beautiful coal black jacket. Initially I thought that this black dog could be my winner, however, as I needed to nit pick he lost out overall on a slightly narrower jaw. He moves far better when at a moderate speed. RDCC. |
Veteran Dog | ||
1st | Ch. Cremefern Sweet Talkin Guy JW ShCM VW | An exciting start to the day with two top quality exhibits, A handsome gentleman that I have always admired. He excels in darkest of eyes and pigment, excellent width to jaw and correct bite, elbows close to ribs, high set tail carried correctly to balance with his head to give a typical outline. A top quality boy who still pulls out all the stops and is totally sound on the move making him a high contender for top honours. BVIB. |
2nd | Ch. Miracey Rebel Rider (UK, Ir) | He was a little reluctant to move initially on the first circuit of the ring but recovered himself well for his individual run. Well sprung ribs going well back. Good bone. Fabulous head and expression with large black nose and nostrils. Not as good a topline as first today. |
Minor Puppy Bitch | ||
1st | Debeaux Say What You See | Fabulously structured black girl with same sire as my RDCC winner. Just prefer more width to her jaw to fit the teeth. Well bodied and a tail set on high and held well. Beautiful outline with a gleaming coat. So, so confident a baby. One to watch. |
2nd | Minfaa Christmas Carol | Well balanced, sturdy, red/white bitch who is made well all through. Excellent bite in wide jaw. Stands on firm feet. Moving steadily and with purpose. |
Puppy Bitch | ||
1st | Ch. Zeeva Mirror Image JW | 11 months old and coming into her own. Everything about her shouts Shih Tzu! Melting eyes surrounded by chrysanthemum featured head. Elbows close to well formed body. She epitomises strength, sturdiness and femininity combined. Only a baby still, but in the challenge she performed so well that I could not deny her the top bitch award. Sympathetically handled to best advantage. Moves steadily, with animation, using herself to reach and drive. BCC & BPIB. |
2nd | Cremefern Pretty Gorgeous | B/W, displaying good overall proprtions with slightly arched neck to support her head. Holds her tail well and makes the most of the ring in moving. |
Beginners Bitch | ||
3rd | Rossvale Xclusive Model at Yunquishing | Nicely proportioned and sized. Large eyes, well placed and with excellent pigment. A good mover, though tends to fly her tail a little like a flag at times. |
Novice Bitch | ||
1st | Chanikos Poket Full O Dreams for Shanjora | A sweet girl with good overall shape but lacking width all through. Large round eyes and good nose placement. Topline is level. Moved alright around the ring. |
2nd | Elzu Ebony And Ivory | B/W that had her head down most of the time whilst moving but did get her head up for long enough to appreciate her movement. Displayed correct body proportions, width and sturdiness typical of the breed. Needs a little more coat care. |
Yearling Bitch | ||
1st | Jagmavalley Lady Thyra | A lockdown casualty where socialisation was difficult to achieve, which I think we can all find sympathy with. A pretty girl with excellent bite and well bodied. Uncomfortable on the table and also lacking confidence on the move. Just build her confidence gradually from now on. |
Post Graduate Bitch | ||
1st | Marhilway Spirited Edge | Great width to underjaw and teeth in straight lines with correct slightly undershot bite. Lovely nose placement with wide open nostrils. Pretty head and skull handles well. Just needs to spring rib a little as she matures. Well plumed tail, held well to give balanced outline. Loved her purposeful movement. |
2nd | Rossvale Xclusive Model at Yunquishing | Nicely proportioned and sized. Large eyes, well placed and with excellent pigment. A good mover, though tends to fly her tail a little like a flag at times. |
3rd | Elzu Ebony And Ivory | B/W that had her head down most of the time whilst moving but did get her head up for long enough to appreciate her movement. Displayed correct body proportions, width and sturdiness typical of the breed. Needs a little more coat care. |
Limit Bitch | ||
1st | Ch. Corrlough Ice Maiden | Gold/white girl whose balanced silhouette was gorgeous. Prettiest of expressions, incorporating a little arrogance. Topknot displayed her features to best advantage. Strong short forelegs, well muscled. Well laid shoulders and balancing rear angulation. She really motors on her movement around the ring, holding her topline at all times. RBCC. |
2nd | Matsha That’s Amore At Snugglebrook | Another well proportioned girl with most pleasing outline. Excellent bite in wide jaw. Short sturdy neck, excellent nostrils and nose. Well ribbed and level topline. Well coated to finish an ex make and shape. Close decision here. |
3rd | Rossvale Xclusive Model at Yunquishing | Nicely proportioned and sized. Large eyes, well placed and with excellent pigment. A good mover, though tends to fly her tail a little like a flag at times. |
Open Bitch | ||
1st | Ch. Miracey Fruitylicious at Virtulvilage (Ir) | Standing, I was immediately struck by her beautiful outline and presence. To go over she was so exciting, every part impressing so much. 5 years old and incredibly “snooty�? attitude, she locks eyes on you and captures you with her beauty. Coat presented to perfection. She moved steadily but I just had a doubt on soundness. Disappointingly in the challenge my doubts were confirmed as lacking in soundness on the move and I had no choice but to exclude her from the top honours today for this reason in line with KC directives. |
Veteran Bitch | ||
1st | Rossvale Secret Affair is Yunqishing JW | Very pretty girl of 8 years old with excellent head proportions and large eyes and wide open nostrils. Correct bite. In excellent coat of good texture. Tail well set and held. Moving out well. |