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Full Critique for Bath 2024

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Judge : Mr Howard Ogden
This critique reflects the judge's opinion
based on what they saw on the day of the show.

I appreciated that there were 63 individual hands on of the original 89 who provided such quality competition. The breed is in safe hands in the UK with some great dogs.

Minor Puppy Dog
1stUnstoppable Alpiu Slenis To Jaxtzu (IMPLTU)JWJust 6 months yet so sound & secure, fabulous face with desired 1 inch of nose so well placed, width through both front & rear to give a definite oblong shape, cleanly fronted & of good bone, moved with breed arrogance of a firm rear showing drill pad. Surely a valuable acquisition with a future.
2ndJadoremy Thundering Heart6 month so well made overall scoring in eye, skull, muzzle, nostrils all be it short enough in nose pad, typically youthful slight rise to a rear well placed carried tail, nicely bodied & bone, correct body shape plenty of future promise if he develops on these same lines.

Puppy Dog
1stDensown PedroAll but 12 months so has the advantage of maturity, striking immaculate b/w, wide head, with width through body, lovely well placed eye, correct 1 inch nose length to definite stop, expressive face well set & carried tail, sound positive mover showing full pad one to watch for sure.
2ndMapimakastar Indigo Cha Jai9 mth of excellent body proportions being lowing and wide oblong, good in skull, & eye wide open nostrils, active and clean moving maintaining a typical outline and showing pads, quality coat simply not as finished.
3rdUnstoppable Alpiu Slenis To Jaxtzu (IMPLTU)JWJust 6 months yet so sound & secure, fabulous face with desired 1 inch of nose so well placed, width through both front & rear to give a definite oblong shape, cleanly fronted & of good bone, moved with breed arrogance of a firm rear showing drill pad. Surely a valuable acquisition with a future.

Junior Dog
1stAlamiks Rasberry Beret14 month of quality shown in a beautifully turned out coat, just a tad down faced as to placement of top of nose leather, but plenty of width to equal width of skull, scored in neck that was correctly arched, well angulated, level, went well with full pads, just needs more weight over his loin that maturity should readily address.
2ndHin Chens Just For You At Centastage (Imp Nor)12 month scoring in breadth of skull & muzzle, good nose placement with open nostrils, good tallest & carriage with a lift made good use of himself on the move, a bit square than oblong with tendency to arch his back line.

Beginners Dog
1stEthelsmead True Grit2 year old Ex face & nose pad, wide through skull, muzzle, correctly oblong and sturdy, immaculate contended to lose top line when circulated that may have been due to the adverse weather.
2ndMiddletune Billy The Kid23 month of good body proportions, good in skull, eye, open facial features well placed and carried tail just needs time to become a bit sturdier as he gains more body weight.

Novice Dog
1stUnstoppable Alpiu Slenis To Jaxtzu (IMPLTU)JWJust 6 months yet so sound & secure, fabulous face with desired 1 inch of nose so well placed, width through both front & rear to give a definite oblong shape, cleanly fronted & of good bone, moved with breed arrogance of a firm rear showing drill pad. Surely a valuable acquisition with a future.

Yearling Dog
1stKeola Driving Force JW22 mth b/w with such an expressive chrysanthemum like face being broad and round, with glorious eyes, wide open nose pad with width through skull & muzzle correctly oblong with equal width through strong loin, level back to ex tail set & carriage, clean, true mover pushing off well muscled rear on full pads, ex coat quality all these breeds specific plus arrogant carriage quality hence Res CC.
2ndMiddletune Blazzin Saddles JW20 month excelling in head and size & shape with outstanding facial features that are open and expressive so good to go over his wide oblong shape with good rib and loin moved soundly all be it a tad less smoothly collected as he circulated one to watch.
ResMiddletune Billy The Kid23 month of good body proportions, good in skull, eye, open facial features well placed and carried tail just needs time to become a bit sturdier as he gains more body weight.

Post Graduate Dog
1stPeekin Reggie Rebel-Tu2.5 year old of undeniable quality in all aspects, correct head piece with well placed open features, good neck and angles, oblong, level well ribbed, good tail carriage, good length to his dense coat, no restrictions to his smoothly arrogant action, I now see he is full brother to the CH bitch I placed in open bitch, he must have real prospects of following suit.
2ndEthelsmead True Grit2 year old Ex face & nose pad, wide through skull, muzzle, correctly oblong and sturdy, immaculate contended to lose top line when circulated that may have been due to the adverse weather.
ResMiddletune Billy The Kid23 month of good body proportions, good in skull, eye, open facial features well placed and carried tail just needs time to become a bit sturdier as he gains more body weight.

Limit Dog
1stDaltricia Jack Higgins JW2 years old of utmost quality & style, chrysanthemum-like face excelling eye & nose pad shape being oblong with an equal width throughout, balanced outline as tail height equals back of skull, abundant unrestricting coat looks undeniably title bound to join so many such generations.
2ndMifcah’s By Royal Command To Javerda2.5 year old another of undeniable breed type who ticked so many boxes and so close to 1, not quite the same nose placement just to be picky but had the skull, ears, plus width to muzzle, sturdy oblong, ex tail set and carriage correct coat so sound on move and arrogant another that so be headed to his title.

Open Dog
1stCh. Mifcahs The King And I JW (Dk,Nor,Swe,No,Int)What a privilege a big class with 6 champions entered. 5 years who had all I was looking for and much more big nose pad of correct 1 inch from tip, lovely round eye, broad through skull and muzzle, nicely arched neck, striking tail and plume carried so high to match his skull, well boned, oblong, so well angulated, strong loin, enviable coat that didn’t restrict his arrogant flow of movement one jot DCC & BOB Evidently missed the group as was taking DCC & BIS at the club show.
2ndCh. Warathwaite The Kingslayer (Bel,Lux, UK)Rising 4 years such a striking coat and colour scores in open facial features, oblong shape, level with parallel underline, sound with full pads, arrogant to state his case.

Veteran Dog
1stCh. Artelino Moomins AdventureBang on 9 years, outstanding in head so as to get my eye in both breadth, skull and muzzle, plus 1 inch of nose from tip to definite stop, oblong shape with width all the way through, with underline parallel to top line, to well-placed and carried tail. Quality coat so well turned out, crossing on front a tad but strong in rear showing full pads, sturdy & arrogant BVIB.

Minor Puppy Bitch
1stSunshine Miracle Alpiu Slenis Avec Alchez7 mth half-sister to the MPD, so feminine, arrogantly confident, expressive dark round eye, good in skull & muzzle width throughout her oblong shape level with a well placed tail, good bone remarkably sound & secure much promise.
2ndJadetemple Jaci Higgins At DaltriciaRising 8 month daughter of LD, such a joy to watch her arrogant naughtiness, slightly smaller eye within the most feminine of faces, oblong body, certainly one to watch.

Puppy Bitch
1stPinyinz Sugar Hiccups9 mth who immediately took my eye and kept it with her, striking outline and structure, expressive face with well spaced and open features, body is low, wide, oblong tail could have more lift, firm top line, scored in her arrogant style & her balance, sound movement aided by her immaculate condition her future is certain BPIB, shortlisted in group.
2ndDensown Valencia11.5 month litter sister of PD so fabulously turned out of undeniable quality, well placed muzzle with wide open nostrils ex eye, oblong body with width, must be prouder breeder / owner with this duo to campaign.
3rdMarhilway Bees Got The Edge3rd in PB, benefiting from her 10 m maturity, such a quality headpiece excelling in eye, wide open nose pad, nicely maturing oblong body, level well angulated, highest tail set with good carriage plenty of style plenty of promise.

Junior Bitch
1stMinfaa Flash DancerGlorious 12 month who ticked all those breed specific from the off that was confirmed abundance when hands on, correct 1 inch nose length from tip to stop, chrysanthemum like face with its well spaced features correctly, oblong, well boned, level with high tail set balanced with skull, arrogant action gave reach and drive with full pads super coat all repeated in the challenge to take BCC.
2ndSassyshi Cake By The Ocean With Shirkeira JWSassyshi Cake By The Ocean: 17 month who was a little less together as to affect her top line on the move, ex eye nose pad, correctly coated covering her sturdy body, oblong body will have better days ahead for sure.

Novice Bitch
1stMarhilway Bees Got The Edge3rd in PB, benefiting from her 10 m maturity, such a quality headpiece excelling in eye, wide open nose pad, nicely maturing oblong body, level well angulated, highest tail set with good carriage plenty of style plenty of promise.
2ndSunshine Miracle Alpiu Slenis Avec Alchez7 mth half-sister to the MPD, so feminine, arrogantly confident, expressive dark round eye, good in skull & muzzle width throughout her oblong shape level with a well placed tail, good bone remarkably sound & secure much promise.

Yearling Bitch
1stMiddletune Clementine JW23 month half-sister to 2nd in YD so much to like both in her enviable open facial features, in her sturdy body low, wide, oblong that was upgraded with such a level top line to a high set & carried tail, unrestricted by coat she went so well carrying herself with an arrogant style will be holding her own again the v best of her sex.
2ndLyndatzu Truly Scrumptious23 m with good breadth through skull, muzzle, relatively small eye, ex oblong body shape all be it with a top line rising to the rear just maturing at a different pace. Novice Bitch

Post Graduate Bitch
1stDaltricia Jane Austen JW2 years litter sister of LD essence of breed type, dark round eye plus a well placed open nose pad, lovely to go over with her prominent pro sternum plus wide throughout her sturdy oblong body, highest tail set, quality coat so beautifully presented, will quickly rising up through the ranks.

Limit Bitch
1stCh. Coursani Sand QueenQueen 2.5 years of good type, style, structure, large round eyes, breadth through skull & muzzle, level, well ribbed, coupled, definite oblong with strong loin, dense outer coat sound and flowing with full pads, quality all through.
2ndCremefern Pretty Gorgeous3.5 years b/w of quality, lovely eye, good skull & muzzle just that bit shorter & less open nose, excels in oblong backline, tail set, beautifully muscled rear so well used on the move turned out in great form & condition.

Open Bitch
1stCh. Middletune Flame Of GoldRemarkable 6 year old, scores enough in skull, muzzle, expression but truly excelled in her sturdiness right throughout, oblong shape, with well let down chest, ample bone enhanced by the balance of tail the more I asked of her the more she gave with reach in front and rear action plus arrogant defiance w/d any coat interference Res BCC.
2ndCh. Miracey Disco Fever (Ir)Breathtaking 4 year old bred in the Miracey purple, nothing worth changing either in chrysanthemum facial features in her sturdy oblong shape, immaculate coat, highest of tail, but today she was the ultimate diva with any co-operation only on her terms.

Veteran Bitch
1stDaltricia Thana at Shanuleas ShCM VWAll but 10 years b/w quite remarkable and the utmost credit to all concerned, broad round head with the best of features sturdy oblong with slight rise to rear, so well boned with well padded feet, muscled rear gave her strength of action, made me smile with her arrogant look of superiority.