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Ch. Rosaril The Chimney Sweep

Breeding & Progeny Details

Ch. Baroness Lustre Lu (Irish)Ch. Jenpethar Soot for Luck (Ir)
Bellakerne Tiffany-Do of HionaHiona Good Golly Miss Molly
Hiona Miss Ross
Denroma Cool BlondeDenroma The Jazzman
Dervance Dainty LadyDervance Ebony Eyes
Harropine Truth or DareCh. Tsantha Devil May Dare (Swe)
Tsantha Dares To Delight
Tsantha The Daredevil
Keytor Prize MoneyKeytor Like A Prayer
Mikirina Penny-Blue at MyluroseMylurose Bobby Dazzler
Ch. Rosaril DelilahCh. Rosaril Dressed To Impress (IR)
Rosaril Fruity O’Rooney
Rosaril One Jump Ahead at Bakalo
Rosaril Follow That DreamRosaril By Moonlight
Rosaril Dark of The Moon Over Arrighi
Rosaril Up The Chimney of Arrighi
Rosaril Painted PonyCh. Rosaril Classical Jazz
Ch. Rosaril The Temptress (Swe)
Rosaril Chuckles
Rosaril Liquorice Lady
Rosaril Sticky Fingers On Arrighi
Rosaril Sweeps Apprentice
Rosaril The Clown’s In Town
Royal Shelamore By NachubansTsantha Dawn Chorus
Tsantha The Songbird
Santosha Lady in RedSantosha Little Strumpet of Arrighi
Santosha Midnight Caller
Santosha Madame Butterfly of PhinjaniCh. Santosha Chocolate Orange
Santosha Grease Lightning
Santosha Northern LightCh. Santosha Handsome Hero (Czech)
Ch. Santosha Spring to Glory (Ice)


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