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Ch. Hin Chen’s Aertan’s Princess (No,Se, Fin)


Date of Birth - 28th Oct 2014
Sex - Female
Colour - Gold/White


There are 6 complete generations on record for this dog.
View this pedigree to 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 generations.

Owner - Mrs H M F Finnanger
Breeder - Mrs H.M Finnanger
Ch. Mr Royal Capuccino (Nord)
Ch. Lady Chima’s Trust Captain Cristy (Nord.)
Sire - Ch. Tangse Quick Step To Vegas (Int, Nord,)
Dam - Ch. Mai Tais Queenie Lee (Int, Nord,Swe,Fin, Lva, Est,)
Ch. Red’ N ’Sweet Precious Energy (No, Swe)
Sire - Ch. Spovens So Smart Play (Nor)
Dam - Ch. Ming-Tzings Happy Go Lucky (Nord)
Ch. Hin Chen’s Princess (Int, Multi, NJW-15 MVV-2014)
Ch. Fossella Kama Sutra (Int, Swe, Dan, Fin)
Sire - Santosha Midnight Caller
Dam - Ch. Fossella Smell Of Chanel (Fin, Swe)
Centastage Lives The Dream
Sire - Ch. Hashanah Hot Shot (UK, Aust)
Dam - Ming-Tzings Thai Phei at Cecero


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