Breed Database

The Shih Tzu Club Breed Database broke new ground when it was launched in 2005. The pedigrees of thousands of Shih Tzu to many generations, their UK Championship show careers, their photos, their offspring, judges records and more became freely available and searchable online.

If you have any questions or wish to point out errors and omissions please contact We do our best to correct errors promptly but where the request concerns information we have drawn from another published source - incorrect show results being an example - we have to cross check.

We have an online form that you can also use to give us more complete information about your dog. You can attach photos to this form and we'd be very grateful if you'd consider providing a photo (you must have permission to use it if it someone else's copyright)


Explore the pedigrees of over 17,000 Shih Tzu, over 7000 of which have 4 or more complete generations available and several hundred of which have a photo too.

Show Results

See the results of every UK Championship show since January 2000 with all the dogs fully linked. Open show results are published in our community, Off The Leash.


Search judges to see their placings from previous appointments.